You should find the answer to your query here. However, if you need some extra help please contact us here

Contact us
  1. Who can register?

    Anyone looking for smart work or for smart workers can register

  2. How much does it cost?

    The basic access for smart workers and employers is free. Abodoo takes a fee from the employer at the point of a candidate entering into process. The fee is €425.00

  3. How much does it cost to post a job?

    Posting a job is free on Abodoo. You only pay a fee on accepting a candidate into process

  4. How many jobs can I post?

    You can post as many opportunities as you have available

  5. How do I pay?

    We utilise Stripe's secure payment process on the site. Your card details are handled securely and not stored with Abodoo. Enterprise customers are Invoiced monthly with 30 day payment terms

  6. What happens if the employment is terminated?

    There is a 100% money-back guarantee for 90 days

  7. How do I create my profile?

    It's simple to register and login to Abodoo. Editing your preferences is straight forward and can be completed and amended anytime. The more complete the profile, the more matches will be displayed.

  8. How do I post a job?

    Within the employer dashboard there is the function to create a job role through our simple process

  9. How do I manage interviews?

    Interviews are managed via your normal processes. The feedback can then be populated into Abodoo to provide feedback in addition to keeping private notes during the process

  10. Who do you work with?

    We work with a growing number of International companies adopting or already utilising a smart working strategy. This list will only continue to grow as smart working becomes more standard

  11. What sort of candidates are registered on Abodoo?

    What sort of candidates are registered on Abodoo?

  12. What if I have a complaint?

    You can contact us at Abodoo directly using [email protected]

  13. How do I get notified of matches?

    You will be notified via email of any matches 80% or above. Any matches below 80% and above 50% will be automatically curated in your dashboard view

  14. Why can’t I see a profile match anymore?

    If you have posted a job and no longer see a previous match, it may be that the Individual has taken another opportunity and is no longer available.

  15. Why can’t I see a Job match anymore?

    The Job may have been removed by the job poster. The platform updates realtime so you only receive and see relevant opportunities

  16. Who can see our company profile?

    Only smart workers can see your company profile when they are engaged in the application process. At all other times your profile remains anonymous but the job posting can be seen on the platform when matched

  17. How long are Job postings live?

    Job postings are live for 30 days by default. After this time they are removed from the system unless the job poster extends or customises the time period

  18. Why don’t I see any matches?

    You may not have completed the full job posting details. The more steps you complete the greater the chance of seeing smart workers that are matched to you

  19. Do you help smart workers with their Interview process?

    At Abodoo we have a panel of experts that can help with all aspects of the hiring process including CV improvements and interview technique. For more details contact [email protected]

  20. Can I offer flexible hours?

    That depends on the job opportunity. Abodoo specialises in smart working careers ranging from full time to flexible, and a variety of location types. You can specify the details in the job posting

  21. Who provides the contract once we have hired through Abodoo?

    As the Employer you are responsible for providing your contract to the successfully hired smart worker. This contract is direct between employer and employee

  22. How do I receive more matches?

    You will receive a greater number of matches the more up to date and complete your job posting is. Please ensure you keep your details relevant

  23. How do I apply for online training courses?

    Courses are matched to you on Abodoo in the same way that Job opportunities are. Simply click on the course Ad to be taken to the relevant screen for sign-up

  24. Can I manually search?

    We will consider introducing manual search in later roll-outs if the demand is there. However, we believe that curated matching removes the very issues around searching for Jobs

  25. How often are results updated?

    Your dashboard opportunities will update every time a new smart worker or online course becomes available that is relevant to you. It's important to keep logging in to check for the latest opportunties

  26. How do I track my jobs?

    Your dashboard view will show all your job postings. You can manage applicants through each one, and also view any previous job postings and applicants if required

  27. How do I reply to an applicant?

    Once engaged in the Interview process you can message the applicant directly on the Abodoo platform. You can also provide direct feedback and keep private notes to track the Interview progress

  28. Why can’t I see potential candidates who aren’t a match?

    The Abodoo platform does not show any results that are below a 50% match. We believe that benefits both the smart worker and company to engage on better matched opportunties

  29. How do I take down a job if it’s filled?

    Once the hired stage is complete the job is closed off. The job posting will also expire 30 days after going active unless the timestamp is modified in your job posting

  30. I’m being spammed by a jobseeker – can I block people?

    You will only be messaged by candidates accepted and engaged in the Interview process. This helps protect both parties and keeps the process simple

  31. Can anyone with a disability apply for a job on Abodoo?

    Yes. We encourage people of all abilities to use Abodoo as long as they are seeking a professional career. This opens up a huge resource of talented people that previously may not have had the opportunity for certain employment types

You should find the answer to your query here. However, if you need some extra help please contact us here

Contact us
  1. Who can register?

    Anyone looking for smart work or for smart workers can register

  2. How much does it cost?

    It's simple to register and login to Abodoo. Editing your preferences is straight forward and can be completed and amended anytime. The more complete the profile, the more matches will be displayed.

  3. How do I create my profile?

    It's simple to register and login to Abodoo. Editing your preferences is straight forward and can be completed and amended anytime. The more complete the profile, the more matches will be displayed.

  4. Who do you work with?

    We work with a growing number of International companies adopting or already utilising a smart working strategy. This list will only continue to grow as smart working becomes more standard

  5. What type of jobs are smart?

    We accept roles that are fully smart or a hybrid model (for example home and some office days). There are a wide range of careers that can now be done remotely. We are continually educating Industries on the merits of smart working.

  6. What if I have a complaint?

    You can contact us at Abodoo directly using [email protected]

  7. How do I get notified of matches?

    You will be notified via email of any matches 80% or above. Any matches below 80% and above 50% will be automatically curated in your dashboard view

  8. Who can see my profile?

    Only employers can see your profile when you are engaged in the application process. At all other times your profile remains anonymous

  9. How long are Job postings live?

    Job postings are live for 30 days by default. After this time they are removed from the system unless the Job Poster extends or customises the time period

  10. Why don’t I see any matches?

    You may not have completed your profile. The more steps you complete the greater the chance of seeing Jobs that are matched to you

  11. Who can help with my Interview process?

    At Abodoo we have a panel of experts that can help with all aspects of the hiring process including CV improvements and interview technique. For more details contact [email protected]

  12. Can I work flexible hours?

    That depends on the Job opportunity. Abodoo specialises in smart working careers so flexible work is possible. The Job Role will specify this.

  13. Who is my contract with?

    Once hired your contract will be directly with your new employer

  14. How do I receive more matches?

    You will receive a greater number of matches the more up to date and complete your dashboard profile is. Your skills section is the most important to keep complete and updated. Please ensure you keep your details relevant

  15. How do I apply for online training courses?

    Courses are matched to you on Abodoo in the same way that Job opportunities are. Simply click on the course Ad to be taken to the relevant screen for sign-up

  16. Can I manually search?

    We will consider introducing manual search in later roll-outs if the demand is there. However, we believe that curated matching removes the very issues around searching for Jobs

  17. How often are results updated?

    Your dashboard opportunities will update every time a new Job or Course becomes available that is relevant to you. It's important to keep logging in to check for the latest opportunties

  18. What happens if I change my mind at any stage during the Interview process?

    You would communicate this with the interviewing company in the same way you would during any other interview process

  19. What training do you offer?

    There is an entire suite of training materials coming to the site very soon, many of which are completely free to access.  It's an amazing tool which will enable you to track your own training progress and evidence this to prospective employers

  20. Why can’t I apply for some of the jobs?

    If your skills and experience aren't a match with the vacancy then you won't be able to see it.  This means that you apply only for roles which you are able to meet the criteria.  It prevents mis-matches and ensures that you can  spend time working towards that perfect match without having to sift through dozens of irrelevant roles

  21. My friend can see jobs and I can’t – why?

    If your friend's skills are more relevant to a specific role then they will see a job and you won't - this could be anything from number of years experience to qualifications or industry or it could be that their profile is complete and yours isn't.  Make sure your profile is kept up to date to receive the best matches

  22. What happens once I have applied to a job?

    A job posting remains anonymous until both sides have accepted the connection. Once that happens you will see the profile of the job posting owner and can start messaging on abodoo. The Interview steps also include the option for feedback so you are kept up to date throughout

  23. How do I stop receiving alerts?

    For the current version release you will need to contact us at [email protected] and request that we remove or suspend your account

  24. Can I still register and apply for Jobs if I have a disability?

    Absolutely. In fact, we are striving for an equal playing field for people of all abilities to be able to work. Being able to work from home can obviously be hugely beneficial if commuting and office environments are a difficulty. However, we will also be actively encouraging hub community meetups to ensure people can occasionally work from a local hub and benefit from the social engagement.

  25. How do I apply for a job that is in my matches?

    Once you see a job match you can click on it and be taken to the job posting page. From here you can click apply to be considered for process.

  26. How do I know when an employer has selected me for Interview process?

    In the 'My Applications' section of your dashboard you will see which job interviews are in process and at what stage

  27. Can I apply to multiple job matches and engage in a number of interviewing processes?

    Yes you can but at Abodoo we recommend keeping your application to a minimum and putting the energy into preparing really well for the interviewing process

  28. Why should I go smart?

    The top 5 reasons we hear include a desire to eliminate the commute, have more time for the family, better health, save money and less stress.

  29. How do I increase my chances of being successful in the process?

    1. Ensure your Abodoo profile is fully complete and correct. 2. Use the Abodoo guidelines for creating a high impact CV  3. Ensure all your social media matches your CV 4. Ensure your smart interview won't be disturbed and your connection is strong 5. Dress professionally 6. Be able to summarise You (experience, education, personality, motivation) in a 3 min answer. 7. Be comfortable in talking in detail about the company, product/service, the role and duties (demonstrating indepth research can go a long way) 8. Prepare the top 5 reasons why you would like to work for the company in this role 9. Have 5 examples demonstrating your skills, talent, achievement and how you handled a challenge 10. 5 concise points as to why you should be offered the role making it relevant to what is required for the role.  Finally be yourself, smile and enjoy because we are all just people so they need to get to know you!

  30. What questions should I ask at the end of the interview?

    This is a great opportunity to reiterate your passion for a role by asking questions that demonstrate you have researched, thought about the finer details and are very motivated to secure the role. Example of good questions we have heard at Abodoo include 1. What do you feel is important in being successful in this role? (whatever the answer it gives you the opportunity to ensure you provided enough information to clarify that) 2. What plans do you have in the coming year? (if what you hear excites you say it, don't play too cool) 3. How do you like to manage smartly? 4. What is a typical day for someone in this role?  5. When I was researching I was very interested to know more about ....?  6. What other information can I provide to you to demonstrate I am the right person for the role? (Not everyone will ask this but if an interview is going well then why not because it will ensure you have covered all aspects for the interview to make an informed decision)

  31. I love being smart, how can I share my story?

    There are so many amazing professionals who have been smart working for years under the radar. We want to hear your stories, please email them in to [email protected] and if accepted we will share on our social media channels. A great way too to make your profile stand out